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Sung in Adjoukrou and French
Jealousy is a barrier to the development of women.
Being jealous of a man at the point of forgetting his ambitions is not the solution.
Loving your partner and complementing each other is a couple's secret.
A cultured, modern and independent woman is a model of perfection.

Sung in adjoukrou and French
Jealousy is an obstacle to the development of women.
To be jealous of a man to the point of forgetting his ambitions is not a solution.
Loving your partner and complementing each other is the secret of a couple.
A cultivated, modern and independent woman is a model of perfection.

You scream from the rooftops, he's mine
You are possessive and suffocating
You call him all the time out of jealousy
You spend all your time watching him
Your love for him makes you blind
You've lost your friends for fear they would take him from you
He feels squeezed, squeezed
You might lose him if you keep going like this

Jealous, jealous, jealous, breathe a little
Jealous, jealous, jealous, sit down for a bit (2x)

Make yourself love more instead of suffocating him
Be an independent woman , occupy your day
Cultivate yourself, be modern and a model
Behind a great man is a great woman

He will never tell you, he will just leave
Stop being afraid, stop with your jealousy
Being in love is magic
Be careful, you will lose him

Jealous, jealous, jealous, breathe a little
Jealous, jealous, jealous, sit down for a bit (2x)


You shout from the rooftops, it's mine
You're possessive and suffocating
You call him all the time out of jealousy
You spend all your time watching
him Your love for him makes you blind
You lost your friends lest they take it from you
He feels compressed, rushed
You risk losing him if you continue like this

Jealous, jealous, jealous, breathe a little
Jealous, jealous, jealous, sit down a little (2x)

Make yourself loved more instead of stifling it
Be an independent woman, occupy your day
Cultivate yourself, be modern and a role model
Behind a great man, there is a great woman

He will never tell you, he will leave
Stop having fear, stop with your jealousy
Being in love is magic
Watch out you're going to lose

it Jealous, jealous, jealous, breathe a little
Jealous, jealous, jealous, sit down a little (2x)

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