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“Mapema” is a Swahili word that means “early “.
“Mapema very fast” is a Sheng/ slang (Swahili-english) idiom that was popularized by Kenyan vintage stylist Diman Mkare, and is a phrase that is popular among the youths.
The phrase “Mapema very fast”, can be used in many ways. It can be used to express a feeling of happiness , fulfilment , disbelief & affirmation.
The term can also be used to give instructions or command.
In its daily usage the meaning of the phrase can adapt to any of the mentioned meanings depending on the context and the situation.
As a way of celebrating Kenyan urban culture and telling Kenyan stories through Music and Dance, MATATA created this song to appreciate Sheng ,which even though is not an official language it’s widely spoken, especially by the youth.

Writen and performed by : Matata
Mix and Mastering : Mix by Chopz
Pre Edit Mix : Ape Music
Produced by : Sta2f


Me najuwa ati we unanijuwa
Ka ni trust si unajuwa niko sure
Kemoda jamaa moja mature
Nakulike wallahi na ninajuwa una juwa
Mapema mapema very fast
Mapema mapema very fast
Mapema mapema very fast
Mapema mapema very fast

Verse 1
Mapema modo me ndo kemoda joh
Ziiii bazu me ndo bazenga yoh
Unajuwa hii mtaa me ndo kusema joh
Wacha ma chocha una cha chisha yoh
Me ni mchristian ka Ronaldo sichezi vi messy
kama governor obando huruki hii kesi
Na Unaruka kipetero ki yesu
Ehhhh Na kataa hii story ka nakata na kisu
Juu mi hupenda ma goshodo
na blend konyagi na kavodo
kemoda Kenanire kimundu
zina nice kama devo wa gatundu Ahh
Ka mi ni samson ye ni Delilah
Mmhhh amekunasa kama raila
Jicho nyanya zimeriet macho ka muchina
Akona kina maina na ma dame wafaina
Mapema mapema very fast


Me najuwa ati we unanijuwa
Ka ni trust si unajuwa niko sure
Kemoda jamaa moja mature
Nakulike wallahi na ninajuwa una juwa
Mapema mapema very fast
Mapema mapema very fast
Mapema mapema very fast
Mapema mapema very fast

verse 2
Mapema ninataka kukemba nimeshindwa kusema
anipate nyuma ya hema broo
Na jaba, nimeshindwa kutema, toto Kana tetema,
cheki vyenye na hema broo
Na tena, ye ni bibi ya onjivo
na unajua sailors walipita na yeye bro
Mapenzi na enzi kishenzi
Si chezi kitenzi malezi
hauwezi broo
Na mechi ni messy, na passi kwa messi
Kijana mwepesi na bali ndio kesi
Mapema very fast
Hii movie ye ndio cast
Me doggy ye ndio cat
She tryna get it but
Mapema mapema very fast


Me najuwa ati we unanijuwa
Ka ni trust si unajuwa niko sure
Kemoda jamaa moja mature
Nakulike wallahi na ninajuwa una juwa
Mapema mapema very fast
Mapema mapema very fast
Mapema mapema very fast
Mapema mapema very fast

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