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Mabawa - Umoja Sounds featuring Marleen XPlastaz
This song expresses the importance of being present, being aware of every aspect of our lives.
Being aware of the pain within our pursuit of greatness. Prayerfully with thanksgiving embrace the outcomes.
With the world being full of distractions we are urged to pursue our paths without bringing down each other as everyone has their own special gift to share.

Tanzania’s Marleen XPlastaz returns in this second offering from Umoja Sounds Dance Like David Ep with this thought provoking somber yet groovy song Mabawa meaning ‘Wings’. The writing is a wonderful mix of elements that make up for some infotainment.

The music thrives within that evening sunset vibe, though being of a danceable nature, can play anywhere anytime. Listeners are encouraged to let lose especially at the sensual saxophone section that solidifies what can’t be put into words. Positively conveyed.

Ni msalaa,
Tuko busy twapiga misele,
Na wala hatuna habari,
Yeh yeh hatuna habari
Yeh yeh hatuna habari
Yeh yeh hatuna habari
Eeh jamani
Dunia tufani
Njia ninayopita mimi
Nawe hazifanani
Dhumuni ya barua hii
Ni kujulie hali
Litue jabali

Machungu hasara
Matatizo we yafanye bawaba
Kamwe uwezi paa bila mabawa,
Yeah bila mabawa

We manu
We manu
We manu
Wewe manu

Ni msala
Usisahau sala,
Omba sali sana
Mtukuze maulana
Ulipo so pa jana
Songa we kazana
We manu
Pambana tu
Weka mkono juu

Ni msala eh,
Tuko busy twapiga misele
Na wala hatuna habari,
Yeh yeh
Hatuna habari.
Eeh jamani
Dunia tufani
Njia ninayopita mm
Nawe hazifanani
Dhumuni ya barua hii
Ni kujulie hali
Litue jabali

Machungu hasara
Matatizo yafanye bawaba
Kamwe uwezi paa bila mabawa,

We manu
We manu
We manu
We manu

Ni msala,
Usisahau sala,
Omba sali sana
Mtukuze maulana
Ulipo sio pa jana
Songa we kazana

We manu
Pambana tu
Weka mkono juu

Mshukuru Mungu
Mshukuru Mungu

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