Soon, the question on everybody’s lips will be: “Have You Heard? Have you heard how The Muffinz rule the world?”. The Muffinz have unleashed their mysteriously beautiful world of eclectic soul to the South African public and they are set for world domination.

The music of The Muffinz is so new, yet so soulful, so accessible, so honest and so innocent, that it appeals to all age groups, races, classes and sexes.

The five young musicians make a refreshing change from the usual run of the mill rappers and house DJs, who are currently dominating the popular music scene, in that they play real instruments, and they play them well. Added to that is all five musicians are great singers in their different genres of expertise.

Take for instance electric guitarist and vocalist, Atomza. His voice is best described as a young Michael Jackson meets Usher with a twist of rock. Drummer Keke then enters with his Senegalese meets rumba vocals. The band switch from a groovy R&B rhythm led by acoustic guitarist Mthae and bassist Skabz, to a classy jazz guitar sound introduced by electric guitarist and acapella singer, Simz. And that by the way is just on one song!

That is why, to explain the band, they decided to call themselves The Muffinz. Explains Mthae: “We wanted a name that would be remembered, something catchy but a name that people would want to find out more about. Plus, we all come from different backgrounds musically and so we all bring different ingredients - as in the ingredients in a muffin.”
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The Muffinz - The River

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